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    • Chat Now

      THE PRYOR MINISTRY CENTER offers support for all of Mayes County. We provide food, clothing and esentials to those in need.

      We are currently looking for more volunteers to help with client intake, pantry area, clothing area, and drivers to pick up food. For anyone interested, call
      Angie Boy at 817-583-9665, or email us at

      We have received the following information from the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma:
      OKDHS has notified us that the USDA has approved the following waivers to normal TEFAP guidelines that you can implement at your pantry effective immediately and lasting until the end of May, 2020.
      • Income eligibility will be raised to 200% of the poverty guidelines to allow more families affected by the pandemic to access TEFAP foods....
      • Application will be completed by pantry staff through social distancing by phone or coming to the front door and knocking if you do not have a phone.
      • Identification and proof of residency will be self-declared.
      • After the May, 2020 deadline, Pryor Ministries will be requesting identification of all household members, as well as, proof of residency unless notified by the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma.
      If you or someone you know is in need of health services, Grand Lake Mental Health Center is currently offering one on one video conferencing for those stuck at home during this time. Take a look at their site for more information. Grand Lake Mental Health Center.

      We are a proud member of the Rogers-Mayes County United Way.

      Our hours we are open are Monday, Wednesday & Friday fromm 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Also from 4-7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. We are closed on any major holidays.

      Call 817-583-9665 to contact Angie Boy for questions or volunteer info.
      I'd like to SCHEDULE a visit with PMC
      I'd like to VOLUNTEER to help out